Summer Youth Crew
If you’re a middle or high school student looking for fun and meaningful activities this summer, we’d love to have you join our crew!
WHO: Any youth ages 12 and up
WHAT: Farm projects like weeding, planting & harvesting and creative fun, like cooking, art, games!
WHEN: This program will run June 17 – August15th, 2024 with weekly events:
Monday Evenings: 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday Mornings: 8-10am
This is a free program open to any local youth who’d like to participate! There’s no need to commit to the whole summer, just sign up once so we have your info and we’ll be happy to see you at any Youth Crew event!
If you’re interested in attending, please fill out the form at the link below or reach out to [email protected] for more information!
We plant hope in our community by cultivating land and community, educating, nourishing our neighbors in need, and empowering local youth.
Our Vision
We believe that getting our hands in the soil and working together cultivate healthy growing spaces for our community is transformative. We believe local youth should have access to safe outdoor spaces to learn and grow. We believe all people deserve access to fresh, healthy food. We provide a place where dignity is restored, healing takes place, a table where no one is excluded, and a community where peace and joy abound.

We are committed to serving our community members who don’t know where their next meal is coming from